Thursday, April 28, 2011

Allez les Caps!

L'équipe de hockey Washington Capitals va jouer demain vendredi à 7 heures du soir.

Qui va regarder le match?

Qui aime les Caps?

Comment s'appelle le capitaine de l'équipe?

Quel est son numéro?

Il y a 2 images sur ce logo, quelles sont-elles?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011



I am starting this blog to encourage my students to read and write more in French. The idea is to have fun, be creative and enjoy all kinds of activities related to French class. This blog needs to be a safe and interesting place for the elementary class to meet and share ideas. Parents, I need you to be closely involved in this process, to encourage and monitor our young students posts.

So here we go! Since we have an exciting event happening this week, I am posting this picture below.
You can start a conversation about it, ask and answer questions...en français bien sur!